Spam mail being sent via the FreeBSD mailing lists
jake h
2021-05-25 23:52:07 UTC
Hi everyone,
I have recently received several pieces of spam mail, apparently sent via
this mailing list. These pieces of mail are the usual spam formula; Your
phone has a virus, Ads, Fake blackmail, so on and so forth.
Has anyone else noticed these spam emails, or is it just me?
Manfred Antar (KN6KBS)
2021-05-26 00:02:05 UTC
I got one this morning
Blackmail stuff - just delete it.
Post by jake h
Hi everyone,
I have recently received several pieces of spam mail, apparently sent via
this mailing list. These pieces of mail are the usual spam formula; Your
phone has a virus, Ads, Fake blackmail, so on and so forth.
Has anyone else noticed these spam emails, or is it just me?
Lucas Nali de Magalhães
2021-05-26 02:13:12 UTC
Post by jake h
I have recently received several pieces of spam mail, apparently sent via
this mailing list. These pieces of mail are the usual spam formula; Your
phone has a virus, Ads, Fake blackmail, so on and so forth.
Has anyone else noticed these spam emails, or is it just me?
I'm receiving these too. It looks like the servers are bouncing some of them just for me, even. And I'm receiving not just from this list; also from freebsd-hackers@ and ***@.
rollingbits — 📧 ***@icloud.com 📧 ***@gmail.com 📧 ***@yahoo.com 📧 rollingbits
Kurt Jaeger
2021-05-26 05:34:10 UTC
Post by jake h
I have recently received several pieces of spam mail, apparently sent via
this mailing list. These pieces of mail are the usual spam formula; Your
phone has a virus, Ads, Fake blackmail, so on and so forth.
Has anyone else noticed these spam emails, or is it just me?
postmaster@ is aware of the problem, we do not yet have a clear-cut
solution and we're investigating.
***@opsec.eu +49 171 3101372 Now what ?
Thomas Mueller
2021-05-26 22:06:06 UTC
Post by Kurt Jaeger
Post by jake h
I have recently received several pieces of spam mail, apparently sent via
this mailing list. These pieces of mail are the usual spam formula; Your
phone has a virus, Ads, Fake blackmail, so on and so forth.
Has anyone else noticed these spam emails, or is it just me?
solution and we're investigating.
Maybe the problem of bouncing messages is related to the spam problem?

I notice now there is an epidemic of multipart/alternative messages on FreeBSD lists, which is a recent change, not for the better.

I posted, several days ago (May 22), a question about bouncing messages, that was on freebsd-***@freebsd.org .

Thor Ablestar
2021-05-27 01:57:30 UTC
Well, if you require "FreeBSD" somewhere in the letter with exception of
"To" field it would be quite enough. You only have to announce that the
"FreeBSD" keyword should be included. "Linux" is optional.

Spammers have no idea what FreeBSD is.
Post by Kurt Jaeger
Post by jake h
I have recently received several pieces of spam mail, apparently sent via
this mailing list. These pieces of mail are the usual spam formula; Your
phone has a virus, Ads, Fake blackmail, so on and so forth.
Has anyone else noticed these spam emails, or is it just me?
solution and we're investigating.
Julian H. Stacey
2021-05-26 14:50:57 UTC
Post by Kurt Jaeger
Post by jake h
I have recently received several pieces of spam mail, apparently sent via
this mailing list. These pieces of mail are the usual spam formula; Your
phone has a virus, Ads, Fake blackmail, so on and so forth.
Has anyone else noticed these spam emails, or is it just me?
solution and we're investigating.
I'm on most lists & also seen much spam lately.

Changing Mailman list configs to only allowing postings from subscribed
addresses could dump nearly all spam; (I'm a Mailman admin elsewhere ).

But @freebsd.org has prefered open lists for near all lists.
Best only for the initial fresh- after- install- questions@, IMO.

Mailman can also input from a spam phrases block list, though I haven't
much used that on lists I run, as subscriber only block near all.

Normaly the @freebsd.org anti spam mechanisms protect both lists & non lists.

List back end responses to eg isp@ & hackers@ have recently migrated
from Mailman to Mlmmj, I guess that shouldn't directly affect spam
protection ? but it'd be interesting to know what advantage the
migration might bring @freebsd.org ?

( Though I couldn't migrate most lists I run from Mailman to
Mlmmj, as many lists I run are mostly non techs, incompetent with
anything beyond click & fumble. Command lines of Majordomo &
Mlmmj impossible for them )

Julian Stacey http://berklix.com/jhs/ http://stolenvotes.uk
http://www.berklix.org/~jhs/mail/sorbs/ Unreliable spam black list extorter.
Philip Paeps
2021-05-27 01:04:53 UTC
Post by Julian H. Stacey
Post by Kurt Jaeger
Post by Lucas Nali de Magalhães
Post by jake h
I have recently received several pieces of spam mail, apparently sent via
this mailing list. These pieces of mail are the usual spam formula; Your
phone has a virus, Ads, Fake blackmail, so on and so forth.
Has anyone else noticed these spam emails, or is it just me?
I'm receiving these too. It looks like the servers are bouncing some
of them just for me, even. And I'm receiving not just from this
solution and we're investigating.
I'm on most lists & also seen much spam lately.
Changing Mailman list configs to only allowing postings from
addresses could dump nearly all spam; (I'm a Mailman admin elsewhere ).
This was how the majority of FreeBSD mailing lists were configured.
Most lists were set to discard postings from non-subscribers. Some were
set to hold. A few were set to reject.
This has not been true for a good while now. Historically, nearly all
our lists were indeed open. In recent years, we've made most lists
subscriber-only, with some exceptions and whitelists.
Post by Julian H. Stacey
from Mailman to Mlmmj, I guess that shouldn't directly affect spam
protection ? but it'd be interesting to know what advantage the
For one thing, running supported software means we can continue
upgrading our mailservers with fewer worries. Mailman 2 relies on
Python 2, which has unfortunately become abandonware.

Philip Paeps
Senior Reality Engineer
Alternative Enterprises